16 September, 2008

Love is so incredible. You won't know when you will meet your beloved ones. Maybe you are lucky enough to meet him/her at the right time. On the other hand, you might take forever to find him/her.

Last Saturday was the marriage of my god sis. It was a big surprise when I was told about the marriage. Who knows she will get married at the age of 39? However 39 is not old. It is just half of a life cycle. I am glad that she finally found someone to accompany her for the rest of her life, to pamper and to love her. Congrats sis.

the bride and the bridesmaid

A friend of mine told me that he can't wait until 40 years old. What I can say is it all depends on faith. He might find a girlfriend in the nearest time but why in a hurry? Understanding someone needs time. Another friend of mine gave me another view on this topic. He is 21 years old this year and he is still securing his first love. In his opinion, he hasn't prepare to be committed in any relationship. I don't really agree with this thinking. When you will be fully ready for a relationship? Define the term "ready".

Out of sudden, a nice phrase came across my mind. It was written by Sin Ee in my autograph book some years ago. It sounds "Love is not about finding the perfect person; it is about learning to see an imperfect person perfectly." The meaning of the phrase is so direct. If someone love you truly, he/she will accept you as what you are. Be brave to accept what God send to you. Giving excuses to yourself might make you lose the one meant for you. Good luck my friends.

Lets share the joy of the wedding...

I just LOVE to attend wedding. All fairy tales, from Snow White to Cinderella, all ended with "...they are married and live happily ever after...". Putting such an ending is very easy but applying it in reality is very hard. Anyway wedding is another stage of a relationship. You must love that someone enough to be committed in wedding. Wedding means commitment and responsibility. It is much more than a piece of agreement. I wish all my friends will be there to share my happiness if I am going to get marry. Your presence to the wedding represents your blessing to the new couple. My cousin is going to marry soon. And I can't wait to attend it. He he...


| Y | H | said...

Nice post wei. I agreed with you anyway. I still waiting the faith to come! :)

/I saw Pretty Girl ler !

vivien said...

hu is d pretty gal?

| Y | H | said...

Haih. I know you know geh. Tak payah ask ! :)

vivien said...

oo...u mean me is it? haha...thx wo

jiateng said...

wish you can get married soon la sopoh....
good girl deserved a good husband....
Gd luck!

vivien said...

wah...not so soon. im still very young. not even 21. haha... anyway thanks a lot for your wish.

Justin Lee said...

I love weddings.the food and drinks(you know what drink i mean).....and also the ceremony!Viven when is your day,I'm wating?

Anonymous said...

hahahaha... cendol always said food geh.. wat food he also ngam.. aunty you dun fei la.. always ask ppl who is de pretty gal.. cannot tahan you leh... omg...

vivien said...

justin ah...y so sum gup wan me marry? im nt single but im available. haha...jk oni
auntie ah...i rili duno he mean me ma. u noe la he normally no praise me pretty le