Honestly I do not know much about gingerbread. I just know that it is something related to Christmas and there is a gingerbread man in a computer-animated American comedy film, Shrek.

(it gets soft after awhile)

(it broke into two as it is too skinny)

by yik hoong

our effort...
Before that I thought making something from gingerbread is not that hard. I guess it will be more or less like sticking some card box with glue. However it is absolutely different. The gingerbread was soft and the royal icing was not sticking.
We started with baking at 1pm. We expected it to be finished at least 8pm but actual time is 6am. There were countless time we get frustrated especially when things do not turn as what we planned.
I really appreciate all the effort and support we gave one another during the whole assignment. I am not sure how it will turn to be without you guys.
Good work everyone. Thanks a lot...
Cool wei!At last your ginger bread post...LOL....AL those stress and frustration is finally OVER
walao wei...u r fast. im just waiting for mu inspiration. hehe
Yo ! I very shy de lo, Aunty.
Most of the pic also got my face !
Faster clap your hands for our group ~ yeahoo !
mane ade? u tau kira ke tak? ss king will malu 1 mea? tak perasan pun
ahahah.. aunty you dun fei la.. uncle sure vry wu yan de lo. nice oh.. i lobe tis post.. hehehe
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