31 December, 2008

08 things for the last month of 2008

#1 Work at pastry kitchen. Although it is only for 2 days indeed I learnt something. And I didn't feel gan cheong anymore when I face Leslie. wahaha....

#2 Celebrate Christmas. Actually I wasn't celebrating this year. I didn't go to church as which I agreed to go with Win Ann. I just prepare some fruit cake and gingerbread for family and friends. Hope they enjoy it.
#3 Dinner with Uncle Chow and family. Once at his house and once at a korean bbq restaurant. Although it wasn't my first time to dine with them but I still... Perhaps I am too shy. *grin* Nobody seems to believe this statement.
#4 Wash my car. I never wash car for my whole life.

#5 Drive alone. Credits go to Win Ann as she needs to borrow my car. I was forced to drive to her house. Anyhow I get my courage to drive alone already. Credits also got to Uncle Chow for his accompaniment. Pity him to train me and get scold by me. ;P

#6 Shopping for chinese new year. I kinda lost the shopaholic part of me recently. I guess it is coming back to me bit by bit. I still need to collect some stuff for chinese new year.

#7 Get a pair of new spec.

#8 Finally I got my hair cut. A brand new year with a new hairstyle.


| Y | H | said...

Aunty ! Nice hair cut lo ! OMIGOD !
What did Uncle say after see your new hair cut? Nice?

Justin Lee said...

All oso new.Haircut baru ni macam better abit...Say BYE BYE to long hair....MORE younger looking!!!Hiak Hiak!!!!

vivien said...

YH: at first he hasn't get used. now he said 'makin nampak makin cantik'. wahaha...

Justin: haiyo...u mean i last time old n not nice la? manyak sakit hati oh...

| Y | H | said...

'makin nampak makin cantik'.
Wahh.. You mai damn happy?

Anonymous said...

hello.. aunty.. long time no giv you comment liao.. eh, your hair vy short lo... if me.. saya tak boleh lo.. vy hmm sek tak.. really look like hong yi.. hahaha..

Justin Lee said...

Where got old..Lets out this more simple....Look more younger then ever!Wakakakaka!

Ica Kachang..Lama tak jumpa!

vivien said...

YH: normal la. get used dy as he always praise me.just kidding only. haha...

Ice kacang: u la. so long din update ur blog. vietnam cooking is ages ago k? kenot hm seh dak. shorter hair save shampoo ma. no money buy new cloth dy T.T

Justin: how come u use my comment for tegur sape? ish ish...