18 September, 2008

The rules and regulations:
1. Each player of this game starts off with 15 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself.
2. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 15 weird things/habits/little known facts as well as state this rule clearly.
3. At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names.
4. No tags back!!

#1 I love to dream.
#2 I love wedding.
#3 I have a bunch of ss friends. (need to name it? haha...you know it yourself)
#4 I cant survive without my phone.
#5 I hate and scare of cockroaches.
#6 No hairy stuff please.
#7 Do not describe me as cute. (I'm not ugly even although I'm quite adorable :P)
#8 I am a poor drinker.
#9 I like to travel
#10 and yet I have travel sickness.
#11 My best product is banana bread? haha...
#12 Recently I am in love with pink.
#13 Leo is my hubby, Justin is my darling, Eason is my sweetheart...
#14 He is my everything.
#15 Today is our one and a half year anniversary. hehe...

>1> yik hoong
>2> justin
>3> emily
>4> sin ee
>5> chor chee hoe
>6> jia teng
>7> melanie
>8> zhan
>9> cheong chee hoe
>10> hoo keen


Justin Lee said...

I've Been tagged,i will do it tomorrow a day after,it's been a while since i've been tagged......"ss" friend ah..I wonder who is it?Hahaha!

vivien said...

hey juston. ss friendS. haha... don't pretend as if you don't know who

Justin Lee said...

HAHAHA!i don't know wor!(blur blur)haha!done the tag liao!

jiateng said...

eh...apala...saya kena tagged pula...
am i considered unlucky?
shall I feel proud fot this???

vivien said...

of coz proud la. u r so lucky to be selected by me to be tagged. wahaha...