01 January, 2009

May Year 2009 Brings Me Lots Of Luck & Happiness....

Year 2008 had finally ended. The year started out pretty hard while my last few months were filled with exciting days of both work and personal. Over the holiday season last December I had great time with Uncle Chow. In fact I am in such a good mood to start 2009 with a fresh list of new year resolutions! Here goes...

#1 Balance out my time. Must make a bigger fraction of time for my grandma and god family. Had been giving lesser attention to them last year. Lets not to forget my friends too.

#2 Eat healthier. Used to limit my carb intake and replace it with higher intake of protein. I hardly notice I had tucked in more saturated fats in my body. Perhaps more veggies and fruits??

#3 Fight the bulge. Had been crawling under my mattress for weeks. It's time to expose to more sunlight. Hopefully by work out more I can reduce few inches from my butt.

#4 Learn mandarin. Said that million of times. Maybe 2009 bring me determination.

#5 Be a better driver. No accident please.

#6 Polish my pastry skills. "Leslie wait for me!!" Haha...

#XX Make him sayang me more. wahaha.... And build better relationship with his family.

2009, here I come....

1 comment:

jiateng said...

jia you la yeepooiwen!
u can de!