11 August, 2008

Huh...it had been 3 weeks since I last blogged. I guess you guys miss me a lot right? haha... I miss you guys too.
Time passes so fast. 3 weeks out of 4 is already passed. Well I can say almost 90% of this holiday is spent on work. Although tiring but I do not have the please-spare-me-from-work feeling. Is it because I love this work or due to a bit better treatment which cause my work slightly easier than others? No idea.
My dad bought a whole set of computer and it came today. My mum and I feel so unhappy with it. You really can't imagine what is going to happen here. I can say this is the beginning of nightmare to mum and I.
By the way, I am going to Penang tonight. Everyone is so excited and gan cheong but I really nothing. Perhaps is because I hardly contribute to the planning. Auntie Emily is the dai ga jie this time. haha... I will support you one. Don't worry.
Stay tuned. I will update my Penang post as soon as I am back from Penang. Bye now.... muacks


Anonymous said...

the beginning of nightmare? emm.. anyway, may you enjoy your penang trip!

sin ee

Justin Lee said...

HEllo!Spamming here liao!Orang sudah kaya!I can see money dropping down liao!Thzx alot

Anonymous said...

aunty u dun wan feiii la... wat me dai kah jie oh.. dai kah jie is you la.. not me.. i just part-time only.. hahaha